easter in Bahir Dar Felege Hiwot Comprehensive Specialized Hospital with 1,500 people(admitted patients,their attendants and health professionals

Easter with patients

Community Boosting Organization in collaboration with Fews Charity Association celebrated easter in Bahir Dar Felege Hiwot Comprehensive Specialized Hospital with 1,500 people(admitted patients,their attendants and health professionals who works in hospital).
Archbishop of Bahir Dar Diocese of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and member of the Holy Synod, His Holiness Abune Abraham, Speaker of Amhara regional state council Worksemu Mamo and other government officials were attended the program.

ማኅበረሰብ አጎልባች ድርጅት ከፈውስ በጎ አድራጎት ማህበር ጋር በመተባበር የትንሳኤ በዓልን በባህር ዳር ፈለገ ህይወት አጠቃላይ ስፔሻላይዝድ ሆስፒታል ከ1,500 ሰዎች (ተኝተው ከሚታከሙ ህሙማን፣ ከአስታማሚዎችና ከሆስፒታሉ ሰራተኞች) ጋር በደማቅ ሁኔታ አክብሯል።
በኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተክርስቲያን የባህርዳር ሀገረ ስብከት ሊቀጳጳስ እና የቅዱስ ሲኖዶሱ አባል ብፁዕ አቡነ አብርሃም፣ የአማራ ክልል ምክር ቤት አፈ ጉባኤ ወ/ሮ ወርቅሰሙ ማሞ እና ሌሎች የመንግስት የስራ ሀላፊዎች በተገኙበት በደማቅ ሁኔታ በደስታ ተከብሯል።

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