Graduation of rehabilitated women

CBO has been working with Jerusalem Children and Community Development Organization (JeCCDO) after CBO signed Memorandum of Understanding With JeCCDO for the implementation of “Group psychotherapy, Substance abuse psychotherapy and social intimacy support for Jerusalem Commercial sex workers rehab project, Bahir Dar” on December17, 2020. The project has a general purpose of changing the social and economic lives of girls and young women engaged in commercial sex. It deals with enabling girls and women get out of the commercial sex industry and engage themselves in safe, productive and socially acceptable livelihoods. The ultimate result of the project is to ensure that the target groups are not any more involved in commercial sex. The project is also aimed at prevention of commercial sexual exploitation of girls and young women. on the fourth round of the project 35 women has graduated from the rehab center after 3 month of stay in the rehab center. CBO wants to say congratulations for the graduates and wishes a great work time full of health, peace and success.