Bank – Bank of Abyssinia 
Account Number – 150512948, 
Swift code –  ABYSETAA
Account Owner – 5744136527011, 
Swift code –  DASHETAA

Bank Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Owner Community Boosting Organization
Account 1000351018317
Swiftcode CBETETAA


Click here to donate to Volunteer Health Professionals Service Support Project (VHPSSP)

Volunteer Health Professionals Service Support Project (VHPSSP) is a project which has been implemented in Bahir Dar (Felege Hiwot Comprehensive Specialized Hospital), Debre Berhan (Hakim Gizaw Hospital and Debre Berhan Comprehensive Specialized Hospital) in the last two years. Now it is going to be started in  Mizan Aman (Mizan Tepi University Teaching Hospital). The project recruits newly graduated health professionals and assigns them to partner public healthcare providers. The volunteers will work full working hours with full professional responsibility as the staff of the institutions do. Project coordinators will supervise and control the volunteers.

This project has two major objectives. The first one is fulfilling the human resource shortage of Health providers through Volunteer health professionals. Our health professionals will serve as one of the staff of our client Health provider organization. Our Health professionals will serve as one of the staff of our client Health provider organization. It will increase the quality of healthcare service and decrease the queue of patients, mortality and morbidity caused by delays in health service. The second goal goes to the health professionals
themselves. Most Ethiopian employers request letters of experience as a requirement for their vacancies. These new graduates don’t have the required letter of experience. Therefore, they will be excluded from the job applications. CBO and the client’s Health provider will give a letter of experience for a volunteer health professional who served a minimum of four months in one of the client’s health providers. Therefore they will be competent for job applications.

In addition, whenever resources are available, the project provides a workplace lunch, transport allowance and skill training for the volunteers. Due to the limitation of resources most of our volunteers in the past have served without workplace lunch, transport allowance and skill training.

Your contribution will be used for transport allowance, workplace lunch expenses and skill training expenses for volunteer and project coordinators’ salaries and administrative costs of the project. 

Click here to donate to Volunteer Health Professionals Service Support Project (VHPSSP)

Go Fund for Mental health

Internally displaced peoples (IDPs) are persons or groups of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human. According to National Displacement Report, As of September 2021, a total of 4.23 million IDPs have been identified across the country which is increasing due to Northern Ethiopia Crisis (War and its consequences). Being displaced can have severe adverse effects on the physical, social, emotional and spiritual well-being of a person. The internally displaced person’s, especially those affected by conflict, are highly prone to mental health problems. Exposure to violence or disaster, loss of family members and friends or separation from family members and friends, deterioration in living conditions, the inability to provide for one’s self and family, and lack of access to services, can all have immediate and long-term consequences for individuals, families and communities, including post-traumatic stress disorders, psychosomatic illness, depression, anxiety and even violence and suicide.

Community Boosting Organization (CBO) is a board led civil society, nongovernmental, nonreligious and nonpolitical charitable organization, legally registered and licensed in accordance with civil society organizations proclamation 1113/2019 of Ethiopia. See for more about CBO.

CBO has proposed to a project called Mental Health and psycho social support for internally displaced people in Ethiopia, North Wollo(Kobo Town) which is a project designed to support internally displaced people who are in the collective sites of North Wollo(kobo town)(30,000 IDPs in the site). The project is going to offer therapeutic services including individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy, psychiatric evaluation and treatment, social intimacy rebuilding, psycho education and refreshment services.

How will it be done?
The project will be done by employed health professionals including psychiatry, psychology and social worker professionals. The employed professionals will assess, screen and triage the mental status of each IDPs in the collective site. Based on the result of the screening IDPs will be grouped to intervention teams and be ready for the individual and group therapy and also social intimacy rebuilding and get services according to their severity of the insult.

Projects open to be funded

1. Primary health care and psychosocial support for internally displaced people in Ethiopia

Primary health care and psychosocial support for internally displaced people in Ethiopia is a project which is designed to provide primary health care (PHC), mental health and psycho social support for internally displaced peoples (IDP) which is one of the major gab of IDP centers. Compressive primary health care contains 8 components of primary care, as WHO stated, including disease prevention, health education, water and sanitation, food and nutrition, maternal and child health (MCH), immunization, treatment and provision of essential drugs.

Currently, due to internal instabilities, there are millions of peoples in Ethiopia displaced from their villages and residing in nearby IDP centers, in compound and around religious institutions, schools, streets and other places. IDPs lack the basic needs of human being including medical care.

In our review, government, local and international donators, fund raisers and other NGOs are trying to address shelter, food, water, sanitation and clothing needs of IDPs even it is still unsatisfactory. The need of Primary health care necessitates more organized approaches which make it to be the least addressed basic need of IDPs.


Duration – 6 month 

Target population –

  • 12,500 individuals will be provided a clinical service
  • 12, 500 individuals will be provided with health educations on epidemiologically important disease entities.

6 month Budget – 3,863,388.43 Birr (81,765 USD)



2 - Comprehensive rehabilitation of male street youths in Bahir Dar city

Title of the project – Comprehensive (basic needs, psycho social, behavioral, substance and economical) rehabilitation of male street youths in Bahir Dar city

Duration – 5 year

Target population – 600 Male street youths who are 16 and above and substance Abusers

1 year Budget – 8,101,236 ETB (185,172 USD)

5 year Budget – 57,426,726 ETB (1,312,611USD)

A partner can fund the project in one of the following ways

  1. Funding  the 1 year Budget 
  2. Funding 5 years budget

3- Health professionals support project

Title of the project – Health professionals support project

Duration – 1 year

Target population – 40 Health professional and 10 local health centers

1 year Budget – 1,931,631.90 ETB (40,881.10 USD)

4 - Psycho-social and Economical rehabilitation of Fistula victim women at Bahir Dar Hamlin Fistula Center

Title-Psycho-social and Economical rehabilitation of Fistula victim women at Bahir Dar Hamlin Fistula Center

Description-is a project which is designed to rehabilitate fistula victim women in Bahir Dar psychologically, socially, and economically

General objective-Psycho-social and economical rehabilitation of fistula victim women

Duration-1 year

Target population-200 fistula victim women at Bahir Dar Hamlin fistula center.

1 year budget– 2,368,278 ETB (55,076.23 USD)

5 - COVID-19 phone consultation project in Bahir Dar city Administrative of ANRS.

Title-COVID-19 phone consultation project in Bahir Dar city Administrative of ANRS.

Description-is a project which is designed to consult people who are suspected and COVID positive patients on telephone.

General objective-Counsel people about COVID-19 symptoms, treatment and home based managements and psycho social support for those who are positive for COVID-19 test.

Duration-1 year

Target population-All people who wants to get counseling service

1 year budget- 419931.6 ETB(9998.37 USD)

6 - Am I negative? ELISA and Rapid test Discrepancy determination in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Title- Am I negative? ELISA and Rapid test Discrepancy determination in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Description-It is a research project which is designed to know the discrepancy of ELISA and rapid test of HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Syphilis.

General objective-To assess the discrepancy between ELISA and rapid tests of HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Syphilis.

Duration- 8 months

Target population-our study population will be 10,010 blood donators of  Bahir Dar blood bank in 6 months period.

8 month budget-196680 ETB(4573.95 USD)